High Notes


Music can change the world because it can change people - Bono


Ernesto Ramirez

When you hear Ernesto Ramirez sing today, it’s hard to believe he almost did not pursue a career using his voice. Hailing from Mexico, Ernesto

Jamie Robinson

Jamie Robinson has been ‘treading the boards,’ as they say in theatre, since he was a small child. His debut performance was as the lead

David Hetherington

David Hetherington did not pick up his first cello until the ripe old age of 9. “I was already late in the game,” laughs David,

A Q&A Coffee Chat with “Bash” Hirtenstein

Sebastian “Bash” Hirtenstein is a young dancer passionate about animism and Indigenous rights. He has performed with many choreographers and companies such as BoucharDanse, Micheal Cladwell

She knows drama but prefers comedy

BY Ingrid Taheri AirFarce veteran and beloved comedian, Luba Goy, will host These Are Their Stories on April 4th at the Richmond Hill Centre for Performing Arts’ Plaza Suite

Watch Our Video & Smile!

(Press image above to watch excerpts from the High Notes Gala for Mental Health on Feb 1, 2018) We have come a long way We are


LLOYD ROBERTSON TALKS HIGH NOTES GALA FOR MENTAL HEALTH Click the hyperlinks to read more and listen to the full interview recorded on Classical 96.3

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