High Notes

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For All
Music Lover

a special edition of Bach, Beethoven, and boys

David W. Barber

Part of the message HNA is spreading is that we all have a mental health story. By talking with and sharing stories with others who also have been touched by mental illness, we can learn from each other and raise the image of mental illness as we understand how many remarkable people live with mental illness and disorders.

Musicians, artists and composers are no exception. We believe they often lead the way in teaching and making others understand and accept. In the past, we have had the honour of having the wonderful author and writer, David W. Barber speak at our events. He brought to life the sufferings and quirks of such composers as Beethoven, Schumann and Tchaikowski. Barber’s series of books are brilliant, full of humour but still historically accurate (as far as possible!). They are a delight for any music lover to read. I remember how I almost fell off my chair laughing at the humour the first time I read them myself.

We at HNA are THRILLED to now have our own version of David W. Barber’s classic Bach, Beethoven & the Boys available for purchase via Amazon. It really touched my heart when Indent Publishing approached us with their idea of creating a special charity edition for the book’s 35th anniversary. Now, every time someone buys a copy of the book which—to our benefit–has been renamed ‘We All Have A Story’, a portion of the sale will be forwarded to High Notes Avante.

“I knew about Bach, Beethoven and the Boys and this new edition helps a mental health charity as well. Same great book, great new cause!”

– Keto J.

You Can Save A life. You Can Change A life.