High Notes

NEW: Music by Prescription - FREE Music Lessons Available

Music can change
the world because it can change people

The arts are important for our mental health

A brief backwards history

You are not alone

March 27, 2023

Our 6th (in-person) High Notes Gala for Mental Health will take place at Flato Markham Theatre

October 18, 2022

The High Notes Soiree at Heliconian Hall (with Luba Goy, Alan Shiner, Ernesto Ramirez, Iris Leck, David W Barber and Shulamit Mor) marked our first downtown Toronto concer

September 2022

Our pilot High Notes Music program offering FREE individual instruction on piano and guitar was launched in Richmond Hill (with help of a Quick Action grant)

January 2022

Second Concert of Hope was released thanks to a Canada Council for the Arts Digital Now grant

January 2021

Concert of Hope was released

Fall-2020 through 2021

During the Covid-19 pandemic The High Notes Choir, Movie Club and Book Club have been operating online via zoom.

July 2020

We were approved for an Ontario Trillium Foundation seed grant for the High Notes Avante choirs

April 2019

The last of a series of intimate concerts and socials supported by grants from the City of Markham and Richmond Hill took place at the Richmond Hill Centre for Performing Arts. Other intimate concerts took place at Revera retirement home, Pearl Piano, Cosmo Music, the Steinway Gallery and Heintzman House.

February 2, 2018

The 5th High Notes Gala took place at the Richmond Hill Centre for Performing Arts. Participants included Lloyd Robertson, Michael Landsberg, Frank Horvat, Giles Tomkins, Orlando Da Silva and long term MC Luba Goy.

November 2018

The second Social Concert featured pianist and composer Frank Horvat sharing his music and mental health story.

September 2017

First High Notes Avante Social took place at Pearl Piano in Richmond Hill. Pianist and Psychoterapist, Paul Radkowski talked about and played music by composers who had a mental health story.

August 2017

High Notes Avante received official charitable status retroactive to March 0f 2018.


Annual High Notes Galas for Mental Health were produced including the infamous “Half-gala” at the Richmond Hill Centre for Performing Arts on April 28, 2016. Fire forced us to cancel the show after intermission.

October 2014

HIGH NOTES AVANTE PRODUCTIONS INC. was officially incorporated as a not-for profit organization in order to use the power of words and music to spread the message that it is possible to move forward on higher notes despite a past or existing mental health issue.

May 2014

The first independent High Notes Gala was arranged by Ingrid Taheri at the Flato Markham Theatre with Jean Stilwell as host and a variety of performers and speakers participating

You Can Save A life. You Can Change A life.