High Notes

NEW: Music by Prescription - FREE Music Lessons Available

Music can change
the world because it can change people

The arts are important for our mental health

Ways to get involved

You are not alone


We rely heavily on people to volunteer their skills and services in order to continue to bring our audience successful events.

BINGO: One of the easiest and yet most impactful ways to volunteer only require you to contribute approximately 3-4 hours per month at Bingo World Richmond Hill. You have to be at least 19 and do some very easy online training before attending your first shift, but this is a very appreciated and easy way to help us.

EVENTS: We often need volunteers to help with backstage duties during our concerts and events. These duties are suitable for highschool students who need to complete their volunteer duties but we welcome others as well. Duties could include serving at VIP receptions, act as messager between Director and artists, photography, video recording, social media and general assistance.


Volunteer Form

Name Of The Volunteer

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat.

Name Of The Volunteer

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat.


There are many benefits to sponsoring High Notes Avante. You may gain exposure for your business, reach out to potential new clients and create goodwill towards your business with our audience and others in the community who have a connection to our cause. Your sponsorship helps us take care of the expenses involved with offering our services and we really appreciate your contribution. Whether you have a budget of $250 or $10,000 we will work with you to create the best solution for your sponsorship needs.

Our event sponsorship package for the High Notes Gala (and similar)

Our Event Sponsorship


  • Mention on Facebook
  • 2 tickets for you and 2 for our sponsored guests


  • Same as Ticket Sponsor+
  • Recognition in our program book
  • Sponsor table in lobby before show and during intermission


  • Same as Ticket Sponsor+
  • Recognition in our program book


  • Same as above+
  • Mention on our website
  • 4 Tickets for you AND/OR for our sponsored guests


  • Same as above+
  • Sign at reception
  • Business card sized ad in program
  • 6 VIP tickets for you AND/OR for our sponsored guests


  • Exclusive car placement in front of venue
  • 6 VIP tickets for you AND/OR for our sponsored guests


  • Same as above+
  • Option to introduce an artist
  • Table in lobby
  • Logo placement on marketing material
  • Full-page ad in program book
  • 10 VIP tickets for you AND/OR for our sponsored guests


  • Same as above+
  • Option to address the audience from the stage
  • Full page inside back cover ad in program book
  • 16 VIP tickets for you AND/OR for our sponsored guests


  • Same as above+
  • Name on tickets
  • Invitation to be part of radio and television interviews (when appropriate
  • Attempts to accommodate any other requests that you may have
  • 24 tickets for you AND/OR for our sponsored guests


Whether you are talking to people, posting to social media, (we are on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter & LinkedIn) we appreciate you sharing our stories using the hashtag #WEALLHAVEASTORY when possible. If you wish, you can also share about your own story using this hashtag.

As mental illness can be invisible, those you expect to suffer least are sometimes those who suffer the most. We wish to give hope to people who may going through difficult times. We wish to create a community where everyone touched by mental illness feel safe. Whether it is you, your daughter, your uncle, friend, colleague, sister or spouse—most of us will know someone who struggles with their mental health in their life time. We appreciate that you share about us and our programs that aim to connect and inspire those affected. Together we can raise the image of mental illness and make life more tolerable.

want to share your story?

The arts are important for our mental health

Music can change
the world because it can change people


As we are a registered charitable association (charitable number 896568417RR0001) we provide tax receipts to those who donate to us.

You can easily do so via Canada Helps here. Or if you prefer you can contact us via 416.605.8915 or highnotesavante@gmail.com to discuss alternate ways. If you like to plan ahead and leave us a more substantial legacy gift, we are also members of the Canadian Association of Gift Planners and featured in their Will Power campaign. You can read more about legacy gift planning on their website here: https://www.willpower.ca/

If you would like to talk to a financial planner we welcome you to contact Vladimir Solokhine at Lazaar Wealth Management (Cell: 647.308.2749/Office: 905.480.0344) to assist you.

You Can Save A life. You Can Change A life.