High Notes

Music can change
the world because it can change people

The arts are important for our mental health

Ways To Give

You are not alone



Send an Interac e-transfer
(charitable tax receipt given if requested)

Mail A cheque
High Notes Avante Productions Inc.
c/o 162 Kirk Drive
Thornhill, Ontario
L3T 3L4

When you donate to High Notes Avante, you are supporting people who have been touched by mental illness—whether in the past, present or future.

We all know someone. Maybe your father, your sister, nephew, aunt or grandson?

Maybe it is your co-worker or next-door neighbour?

Our programs aim to empower those affected by creating connections with others with whom we can share experiences and learn.

We provide hope and we provide community.

Our larger and smaller events showcase artists and personalities who have been affected by mental illness but share their performances and stories so we can learn from each other and move forward on higher notes.

Our free group programming provides safe places for those affected to get together and experience something non-illness related while making connections with others who become part of their support system.

Our free individual instruction on musical instruments (such as piano, guitar, clarinet, sax and even harp) empower and boost the self-esteem of those participating and allow them to feel good about learning how to express themselves through music. The learning process itself is healing. Even those who aren’t currently affected will become more resilient to life’s ups and downs.

Every dollar provided to us is welcome and carefully considered before being put to use.

If you donate via CanadaHelps you instantly get a tax receipt.