High Notes


We will celebrate the High Notes Music Program, its funders, teachers, participants and friends on Wednesday January 22.

We invite you to join us at the Richmond Hill Centre for Performing Arts for this FREE celebratory event. at the Richmond Hill Centre for Performing Arts at 10268 Yonge Street. We will celebrate our students and teachers with performances and testimonials and also recognize our major funders Bingo World Richmond Hill and the Ontario Trillium Foundation. Everyone in attendance will be invited to learn and sing our mental health anthem WE ALL HAVE A STORY under the direction of composer Alan Shiner. There will be time to mingle and make new friends.

La Rocca cakes have generously donated cake for the occasion!

TICKETS ARE REQUIRED and can be obtained by calling the box office at 905.787.8811 or ONLINE HERE. https://tickets.rhcentre.ca/Online/default.asp